Partnering for prosperity


NRM WA supports the improved management of our unique natural resources, to ensure they are available for the use and enjoyment of all Western Australians. 

This will…

  • Deliver environmental conditions that mitigate against a drying landscape and climate issues.

  • Build the current economic and social fabric in our communities and the state.

  • Create an environment that maximises the opportunities for future generations.

  • Help to ensure that now and in the future, the state has the food it needs.

  • Help governments address international legal obligations and political imperatives.

This generates benefits…

  • Social benefits including those relating to mental and physical health, helping reduce the cost of living.

  • Healthier environments with sustainable plants and animals, recovering endangered species and fostering cleaner water and cleaner air.

  • Economic benefits including those related to jobs and growth, sustainable farming and food production and better returns from agriculture.


“NRM WA regions show how local changes make a national impact.”